Losing Weight Improve Your Waistline

Weight Loss Progress

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I generally weight myself on Sunday morning shortly after getting out of bed and before I’ve had any breakfast.

I’m tracking my progress with FitDay.com, but I have to convert the weights back from Imperial to Metric, which is quite annoying!

Progress has been slow.

I gained back some of the weight I’d initially lost and then lost it again!

Of course I should have really expected something like that to happen – consistent weight loss would have been too much to ask for!

I’ve lost close to 4kg since I started tracking my weight at the end of November. I’m averaging a weight loss of about 1kg a week, which probably isn’t that bad. However I’m a lot more interested in seeing my waistline reducing than I am in simple “weight loss”.

My biggest problem is my “gut”. As I’m quite tall and broad it may not be as apparent to other people, but I am incredibly conscious of it.

So I may need to step things up a little bit and start doing exercises for my stomach muscles, though I’ve never been a fan of situps!

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