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Self Watering Plant Pots and Herb Kits

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Yesterday afternoon based on the advice I’d received in my previous post about growing herbs I headed over to my local Homebase to see what was on offer.

I was pretty impressed with the range of idiot proof kits that they have on offer for growing herbs and vegetables at home easily. The “grow your own” range is a nice option. For less than 2 euro you can get a “kit” which includes the seeds, compost and a pot. Of course you could put your own together if you wanted to, but this removes all the “pain” out of the process.

I picked up a couple of herbs and some rocket and we’ll see how things pan out.

They also had a pretty good choice of herb plants of various sizes, so I also grabbed one to go with a very handy “self watering” plant pot I picked up.

At the moment I’ve got parley and thyme in it, but there’s space for up to four different plants. Each section is removable and you basically remove a section and then fill it with water up to the level. It should then water itself. I’ve no idea how well it works, but as I travel quite a bit and can be absent for up to 10 days at a time I like the idea of leaving my plants on auto-pilot. If this kind of system works I might be able to get some house plants too!

Having plenty of fresh parsley to hand is nice. I’ve been adding sprigs of it to a wide variety of dishes and even throwing a bit into sandwiches!


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