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Spice up Your Water Bottle

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Whether it’s for weight loss or just for general health drinking water is beneficial. Most of us probably don’t drink enough water and we probably aren’t properly hydrated most of the time. I know I didn’t for a long time. Sure, I would drink copious quantities of liquids, but I wasn’t drinking water by itself a lot of the time. If I was dining out I’d drink plenty, but up until quite recently I wasn’t in the habit of drinking water throughout the day. Sure, I was drinking enough, but it wasn’t really a natural habit up until quite recently.

In the office we have water coolers that dispense mineral water so I’ve no excuse. So these days I usually have a glass of water on my desk alongside my mug of coffee.

So what about water?

Recently Twinings, who are best known for their teas, launched a new range of products aimed at adding a little bit of flavour to your water. They call them “Cold Infuse” and the concept is really simple, yet brilliant. You basically drop a bag of the infusion into your water bottle and give it a little shake. The infusion adds a bit of flavour to the water and before you know it you’ve probably developed a mild addiction 🙂 Okay – “addiction” is probably a loaded term, but the infusions definitely make the water a lot more interesting, so I’ve found myself drinking quite a bit more than I had previously.

Here’s a short video that explains how it works:


They’re sugar free, caffeine free and just damn tasty!

I got their “starter kit” a couple of weeks ago and since then I took the plunge and got the full range of flavours:

I’ve found that you can usually get three or four bottle per infusion bag, though if you want a stronger taste you might get less. I still haven’t decided which flavour is my favourite and to be honest I haven’t really disliked any of them.

You can get them directly from Twinings or via Amazon.

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