Losing Weight Improve Your Waistline

A Nice Milestone in my Weight Loss Journey

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I’ve been tracking my weight using a wireless scales since 2012. So I’ve now got about 6 years’ worth of data.  Even if you ignore the gaps when I wasn’t weighing myself that regularly it gives me a very good idea of how my weight has gone up and down over the past 6 years. Admittedly I was trying to “fix” myself when I got the wireless scales so, in theory, the trend should have been downwards since then. In reality, as I’ve mentioned, my attempts at various diets and lifestyle changes were far from successful. Plus my lifestyle as a whole wasn’t exactly conducive to weight loss or good health in general.

Why do I mention all this?

The other morning when I weighed myself not only did I notice a drop in weight (yay!), but I also realised that I’d hit a lower weight than I’ve ever hit in the 6 years that I’ve been tracking my body’s data.

It’s a nice little milestone to hit. But it’s “a” milestone. It’s not an end in itself.

However I was really happy to with my little personal achievement. Of course now I’m dreading the scales, as I fear the trend will have been reversed!


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