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Eating Well But Still Hate Peanut Butter

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Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Yesterday was the first day of the new diet.

I posted yesterday about what I was meant to be eating over the course of the day and, apart from the peanut butter, I really have no complaints.

However yesterday was Saturday and I was at home. There were no temptations of any kind and I wasn’t surrounded by people eating biscuits, chocolate or anything else. Monday will be a bit more of a challenge.

Yesterday’s meals were fairly normal, though possibly a bit lighter than what I’d normally have and my daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetables was probably a bit higher than normal. The new kitchen digital scales got used a few times during the day, as I had to weigh a few things, such as the nuts and the ingredients for this morning’s breakfast.

Tracking how much water that I was drinking meant that I probably forced myself to drink a bit more than I might have done, but water is .. water, so it’s not exactly hard.

The one item on yesterday’s menu that really did not work well for me was the “snack”. Peanut butter and I simply do not get along. I’ve tried peanut butter on and off for the last 30 years, but it’s never been something that I actually like. I can happily live without it.

With that in mind I’ve removed it from the diet plan completely!


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