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Cholesterol Reducing Milk?

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Avonmore dairies have been offering Heart Active milk for the last few months (possibly longer) and it piqued my interest.

According to my doctor I have high cholesterol, so I need to reduce it. (Though “high” seemingly isn’t “dangerously high” as yet.. )

So a milk that could reduce my cholesterol levels? I was brought up drinking milk and while I might not drink it “raw” as often these days as I used to it’s one of those things that I really like.. I guess growing up on or close to farms might have rubbed off!

I don’t know much about cholesterol, though I know if your levels are high it’s not good for you (unless you think having a heart attack is fun, in which case you probably need a new hobby!)

The BBC has a pretty good overview of cholesterol, though the more I read up on the subject the more complicated it appears. The bit that I do take note of, however, is any advice on reducing it or keeping it low.

So if there’s a milk that helps reduce the absorption of saturated fat etc., then I’ll give it a try..

Only downside is that it’s a wee bit more expensive than your normal low fat milk.. But then again so are most of the cholesterol reducing products I’ve come across


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