Losing Weight Improve Your Waistline

A Trip To Toronto’s Impact On Diet and Weight

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I was over in Toronto for a business trip just over a week ago.

When I came back I was dreading weighing myself, as I was quite worried that I’d have balooned in the space of a week or so.

The reality, however, wasn’t as bad. Sure, it wasn’t good either, but I had been expecting worse.

Foodwise Toronto, and Canada in general, seems to be a bit better than the US. You can still get heart attack on a plate, but you can also avoid it.

The hotel I was staying in did offer a buffet breakfast, but it was too expensive to have every morning ($31 / person!). Most days I ended up grabbing something from the Starbucks in the lobby, which wasn’t “amazing”, but sure beat paying $31! (Though it was also stupidly overpriced)

Lunch varied quite a bit, while dinner was usually pretty good overall.

The other “danger” area was alcohol. Beer and other alcohol are a surefire way to put on weight fast. Unfortunately, unless you opt out of alcohol entirely, it’s very hard to avoid them when a lot of what you do on trips is “networking”.

So after just over 1 week in Canada I’d put on a couple of kg. And by couple I really mean 2 or 3 – not 5 or more.

Losing the extra weight is never easy. (More on that later .. )

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