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Weight Loss Realisations of the Morbidly Obese

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Guest post by Jason.

I have never liked the phrase “Morbidly Obese”. It sounded so dramatic a diagnosis from a white coated stranger with a body mass index calculator. Obesity comes with a large disclaimer of a future of complications with high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes to name a few.

Lifetime of Realisations

I’m a relatively young guy who is just about to enter his thirties. I haven’t yet developed any of the above conditions. Yet my twenties has taken its toll on my young body. Apart from my BMI that is off the richter scale; I’ve developed problems with my back in the form of two prolapsed disks as well as sleep apnoea.

The only cure to my sleep apnoea is CPAP therapy that feels like trying to sleep with a bicycle pump blowing up your nostrils and significant weight loss. The back problems have a similar cure combined with strengthening core mussels and weight loss. I have to loose over 7 stone+ to get me out of the obesity range.

Turning Point

My first child was born this year and it forced me to reflect on my lifestyle choices. It was a bit of a turning point for me. I was concerned that I might not be physically able to look after him in the future if I continued on my current downward heath trajectory. So I decided to tackle the problem head on.

I’ve taken part in many weight loss regimens in the past. I’ve tried Weight Watchers, Atkins and Motivation weight management. With mixed success, loosing a few stone and then putting it all back on over the following years.

About three weeks ago I signed up for Slimming World and I’ve attended two out of three weigh in meetings. The meetings provide a support group, with a weight in and then a chat from the groups coordinator. I lost 5 pound and put one back on but I’m going to stick with the plan as some of the group have already lost 6 stone+.

To be continued ..

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