If you’re stuck in an office all day or simply don’t like the idea of doing exercise then you could be facing a problem. However it’s 2008, so someone somewhere has probably already come up with a solution…
So how about this? Imagine a treadmill that is part of your office desk… Don’t believe me?
Have a look for yourself:The model pictured above is the Steelcase Walkstation, which costs about $5000 USD! If you want to see one in action check out the video over on the Time site.
I’m not 100% sure if it would work for me, but the novelty of it caught my eye!
Of course if you just want a “normal” treadmill you can expect to pay a LOT less – they retail from a couple of hundred euro upwards…
:-O I want one!
They’re a nice idea, but whether they’re practical or not is another matter entirely!