Living alone and working odd hours means that it’s all too easy to get lazy when it comes to food. Hungry? Eat. Don’t have any food to hand? Order a pizza from Dominos, or jump onto Just Eat..
End result? Let’s just say it hasn’t helped.
Not cooking also meant that I’ve got out of the habit of doing it. But with the diet I’m now on I have to cook and prepare food every day (though I’ve managed to make it as easy as possible!).
The knives, strainers, weighing scales, wooden spoons, ladles etc., have all been dusted off and are now in constant use.
I’m loving it!
I’ve also found that some of my kitchen gear is really lacking. Chopping boards aren’t “exciting”, but I’ve grown to hate the ones I have, as they don’t have any lip and food just goes all over the place.
So off to buy a new chopping board or two!

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