I love cooking. Chopping, slicing and dicing vegetables is a very calming process.
However the cleanup is a pain. You peel an onion, or top and tail a carrot and you have debris left over.
What to do?
I *was* either letting it sit there until I’d finished the prep and then scooping it all up and putting it in the bin.
Or using the empty packaging from mushrooms or meat to hold all the peelings
But neither option is particularly satisfactory
So I finally succumbed and got a counter top bin:
It might seem silly, but having a bin on the counter that I can dump peels into directly makes things a LOT easier and has also meant that I’ve been able to keep the kitchen work area a lot tidier.
I paid around €14 for the bin in my local Argos. You might find cheaper, but I wanted a good quality bin so opted for the Simple Human one

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