Since I’m back eating soup for lunch again I’ve been trying out different brands and flavours.
Heinz are currently offering “special edition” soups. I’m not sure what the logic behind them is, though I assume it’s some way of rationalising their rather inflated price. Fortunately they were on “special” at the weekend, so the price was closer to the one you’d pay for a can of soup. (I never thought I’d be so fixated on the pricing of soups .. )
I’m not sure how many flavours they’re offering in this “range”, but I like spicy food, so the tomato soup with “a twist of chilli” caught my eye.
It’s not that spicy, but there’s definitely a small “kick”.
Calorie wise a 400g tin “weighs in” at about 236 calories. Preparation is simple – about 3 minutes in the microwave (obviously you take it out of the metal tin and heat it in a non-metallic bowl or other container, unless you like the idea of exploding microwaves!)
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Ever make your own soups ? It’s easier than you think ! And probably even tastier. My favourite is butternut squash and potato soup.
I’ve never made soup. I think this is due in part to living alone – most recipes are for two or more people