I’ve been “on the road” for the last few weeks, which is also why there haven’t been any updates on here.
This morning was my first weigh-in since the 6th of March and I was dreading it.
The last few weeks I’ve been travelling for work and between travel, late nights, alcohol, food etc., I was worried that I’d have put on quite a bit of weight.
It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. Yes – I’d put on a small bit, but it’s less than a kilo, so it’s not “drastic”.
Today I’ll go shopping and return to eating according to my diet plan.
I’m not planning on travelling again until the end of May, so I’ve got nearly 2 months to work on reducing my weight.

It’s tough when you are travelling to keep an eye on what you eat, as well you are generally not in control of it. A friend of mine goes ‘pescatarian’ when she travels, granted they are also sometimes the healthiest options.
The great thing is about this is that you can always start again !
Keep up the good work !
I’ll be doing a followup post on what I was eating.. As to how much I actually put on – if the last couple of trips are anything to go by it’ll take a couple of days post-travel to get a real handle on that
And oddly enough I did eat quite a bit of fish in Costa Rica 🙂