James cooked a very tasty variation on this recipe the other evening. (He added some boiled sausage .. )
So I ended up with quite a bit of kale..
Kale is incredibly healthy and packed full of nutrients. Some people call it a “super food”, but it wasn’t something that I was that familiar with until recently. (Spot a trend? Yes – I’m learning about food!)
Last night I wanted to cook something using kale and as many vegetables as possible. I ended up doing a bit of an experiment with what I had in the kitchen:
- shallots
- garlic (not crushed – whole)
- kale – plenty of it
- mushrooms
- red pepper
- courgette
- carrot
- chicken breast (I had some in the freezer)
- a couple of slivers of ginger
- dash of wine
- vegetable stock made from a stock cube and hot water ie. not homemade because I don’t know how!
- herbs – both fresh from my mini-garden and dried
Once the stock was added I just let it cook away for about another 20 to 30 minutes until the kale reduced down which led to this:
I’ve no idea what you’d call this, but it was very tasty 🙂
I’ve also got no idea about the calories etc., but it’s basically loads of vegetables with chicken breast, so it’s probably quite healthy..

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